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Gütsel Weihnachtsspende 2024 an die Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfallhilfe Gütersloh

Jährlich erleiden in Deutschland rund 270.000 Menschen einen #Schlaganfall, der damit die dritthäufigsten Todesursache und Hauptgrund für Behinderungen im Erwachsenenalter ist …

Gütsel Zitate: »If you let someone close enough to love you, they are going to hurt you. It is inevitable. That’s what humans do. We hurt those we love. Either because of ignorance, carelessness, or the unhealthy coping mechanisms we developed in our formative years. If we care enough, we try not to hurt them the same way ever again. That’s a big part of what it means to love someone. To care enough that you make an effort never to hurt them the same way twice«, Kalen Dion